



Is love actually real?

One might wonder.. The overruling sentiment on this earth is hate, and famine, and thirst… Under the rug of polite society, behind the flat faces of the mundane… Everyone is normal isn’t it? We make up a lot a monsters to pretend its not.. Serial killers and the like.. I see them everyday.. We’re not dusting anything but covering up! Murderers and rapists everywhere I see.. Most of them are dormant still.. They do not fool me.. At some point, you realize ‘radical’ feminists are right! Every man is indeed a rapist waiting for its mkultra like activation phrase… I will stay away as much as I can from the adult world.. I don’t want to be corrupted.. But feminists are too weak! They are not hard and radical enough! We should all be mercy killed.. This world bears not innocents, certainly not bears themselves.. Animals, amoebas, rocks, the Universal rule is running towards destruction of the others and then the self!

We talk alot about crimes and monsters, but how often are we portrayed the murderous machines that eat and chew and disembowel our workers daily all across? These trucks and cars, turning our children and pets into mystery meat? This gravity, where you start as a dashing piece of muscle and makes you end up a pile of disarticulated bones draped in loose skin -with or without needing to jump off a building-..  Not even the immobile spares us in this life.

Let’s visit a social media site, where the cowards and disingenuous of the outside gather to speak their true and ugly mind:

-racism -mockery -lookism -ageism -alotmoreisms -harrassment -egoboosting -jealousy -terrible art -misogyny -misandry -anti intellectualism -short phrases -illiteracy -cult of the rule -shunning of the exception -gluttony…

We are beasts of desire, and we will do anything to get it fulfilled.. Then we create ever higher standards and streamline an infinite loop of ever higher suffering..

-Love might just be sexual hate- or also called desire.. Something titillating.. Like a sticky position in CSS, something we chase forever and cannot touch..

Love as in Love is not real, and if it is, then it is called hate.