I just so happened to feel a maxim raving at my feet… It was cold and retarded. Blue burgeons of defeatism.. My little panads were getting frozen with disgust… Blimey it has bitted! Little moral wicked little shit… I stepped on it, the little squashed cryptid.. Bore me later withe uh your squamous impetuous talkie..! Got up on my both walkers and ran away.. Never to see it again..
The craze of the day crawls streetly looking for lost souls ey.. Many of its species parasites their host.. Everyone so preachy.. Stretch your ear tunnels some day and you’ll hear someone following words hallwayed by overdruckened letters… You can’t lead by firespitters no more! Words is the lethal of the day! Follow a saying it will lead you straight to the tomb.. Massive forgetting devices.. Cacolanguage divided bradley for the masses to die on.. Lo high up these hilltops… That’s no Hollywood, but a mountain of souls wordy lost!
Paving the Cities corpsesturdy… Nested on the shoulders of talkative giants… They’re loud.. Words that bite.. Ow!! Me leeched another one on the meathook !!… “don’t bite the hand that feeds you”... What ey!!? Minibeast just blooding me up at moment!! Crazy how be believed somedays they be…
That had musta meant be I was a smarter individual… I tread the Corpsepavement alone.. Zombies seizing me up… No bat in hand.. Greyed out wordrepeaters smell some meat on me… Damn beastie handed me into a half empty kool aiden o’ a man… Walkers nosing me the whole street… Shouldn’ta bathed nakeder als a bare circuitboard. I’m fried up..
Getting Homely Wordstowalkby-less, has certainly been an undertaking… I didn’t even begin though… Don’t have no word - Home… None to talk, A stunted speech to show for and rusty ears on their part.. Words or not, the ones of us join at sundown the carcasses and soil the city..
A ragged old man has not spoken ages since and lost all his words to live by.. Arrows turnin, and a crystal twine decorates the scorched face… Nails point to the heavens, and his eyes turn to the milk. His spine gives in, and the worm, writhes the old man.. shins scraped white as the legs fold, gravity wins the race, presses his face on the tarred ground, black marked his loose dry skin.. The boot of time and humiliation steps over all his blighted peers, they gather up halved before a throne.. The living-by-words upped by their speech, and walking them over.. The standing eventually melt, and the city forms a new pavement, of wretched stones, and porous cement…
Walked over by the forgotten and the worded, stepped on equally, and forever absurd, old and hard miserable and frail bones.
Little little Flash

Damning dregs of shawing broken breads... Ladies got stroked tonight, not a time when the sun breaks open tiny weenies! Little flashes of lights! .. Burns my eyeyes... I see them.. Maybe not naked, pure openneness all skirty waterproofed skimps of ragloths flaying the windidy cold air asscheeking them.
My position is jeopardized. Sunny bright days flash away the sight of the viraginous Megaera... expected the that creepy guy is there to see oh look and worry blast him on the occipital boneyyyy pump im o lead weird man not ugly though not normal hang im high and wide.... Trusted square lady is besuching some cock o' cock somewhat forgivefull thank you lady but please now leave. Poor sod pumped full of gas ready to burst Beyruthy or Tokyofirebombey.
Sort of boobyculate dripping away at er lady neck woman... wOman and not! Please leave now! I am looking at hairmaked and hairunmade specially for the ones that remind of that vamp. Crazy diamondess o a girl, not cute, powerful, cutting and snarpy at the seams of her mouth let down by parents but why not. Trying to find her in a game is not easy! Slaveloadbearingloving task, though old now, looking at her possible clones. Not in these streets canna be founden here the finenothere ladies. UnYoung twentyplusthough that hate humanikind.. They talk weird.
Middle of the group, all heads... Straight pointed at mediocrity.. Only there stands antireticulose the lose white on pink dot of that performative silent bitch.. I hate her beautiful face!!! Let me forgive her forget!? Straight line unparallelled crosses all and I collide. I vibrate and fumble. Crazy bugger I lied ok sure I lied. You were up for a dring though... You shine like phosphene... I'm illegally blind!!! Pay my doctor a visit. See his concern... You are too pretty for this world? Taint thou o mine hands and neck now, mediocre I will eep my genius into you absorb your beutey and be equals we'll show up cribbed and lovey... Equals not when you are gon-e. The subsequent followed...
O lady spells o many, can I be counting you oooh damned evil tiny clingrey pretty gal... Forget you? Start with giving at the fore of you? Leave my eyeses in the unwindy uncold nights of summer! Leave my smile in the morning o before the morning brushteething spiegel! The whilom woman abandonded. Promising at all cost front the crazy man. Con that promised though. He offered du richesand the fame? Didn't have no fame in pockets... Advance pay? Whow whould I zahlen with future fame oh you saye take thedit talent and genius and fructify oh poor poor little girl. Little.. Older than me! And less success... Poor poor idle girl.
Blooms of youths wait not for the rested. Stand up to the antiYore, its nobreakingdealership of a crazy Einstein veihicle... Astroboling summers, you cant hammer away this pooor poured girl. Let mea reeson with uh you... Seem to understand but listen. I made your fame up, fly with me, just! Won't you? Said yes? then after my nervenverlieren of male hormone jealousy, saw a vulnerable babyboy eh? Whose bonhommous came up to ya, cut you off of a picture in the hundreds of heads, and turned you crowdtoportrait? It was un me an not hee. No pretender believes. Loves-you them mild peeps? Weiiirds.. Sometimes, come here to my place maybe. Couldn't make out my place of accents while you studied it.
Mediocre again little girl. Couldn't read. Couldn't feel.. Older, Experienceder, Loveder, yet... Mediocrer, loserer, talent-lesser, unterkapacitet ribaude prostitueras. Quelle jolie fille a-ton dit dans la lingua du mercosur. But no one valued but I. Don't I but a medal? Only but the shiniest of electrums. Deine... Your pelo of course.. Ribbons weighting caressed and handharvested by mine. Grazed by the spikes if you will. Touch of hundreds of little gravities... Running it all on your fine little robes. Gallery of the year long tulip scented achievements... Though, is it tulip? Oder veilchen.?? Je pense mimosa... Carmen? Liegt bieauty
Spare this hare was it anything bout you? Silent dancer, silent thunder. You rage in countercurrent.. Crushing the noise of meaningless. Jesuswalked in meaning across the milliontimes said erscheinedphrases. In your orange-xantic little weave of even more beds of twodee flowers.. Lapped around you the late dress. Tends to happen with cloth and wind.. So late behind beauty and silence. Gravity reigns supreme… In the old but cold.. Silence... Stars burn and forgotten. But empty Everruling and domineering. How you presenced yourself over these days. Dance of the lone girl. No one dared to break the sacred peace.
Was that my Heathening? How wrong a soul can do not customed to yours of practices little woman that is older than me? I respected it your silence but now inertiaed comet crushing all loud suns of other females. I only leave your order of destruction ma'am. Sad girls indeed. They accept and I don't.. My orbit is long yours and some eon will see me along many circles spiral to your core someday. See and not wait. Love is big, but not real. No just less hate than for the others. More peace at say. No words. Your smile was loud in opposition. Please now, smilen't againt. Lips sealing lies.. Many such cases!
Stiff arms and legs of the operagirls.. Free them more, lo how they singalong!! Sylph turning, Whitegold strings and dress circling along immer zu spät! Let me not turn and appreciate. Now Turn-I... Splendid...
Why wouldn't I.. Your frustrated emptiness clasping on the walls of (that city cannot be uttered in public) and my (beverage that can't either be disclosed) turned sour.. Lemmeby ah you a beer.. As I couldn't the first and second. Boulet, weighted by these nerds... -Hey nerdy boy wah thinks thou of those lovely charming ladies?? -What ey me not knows....? Nerds... Abscence of love... See my Pathy! Oh! White angel see it pleads, oh can I suffer love so much more. But blind and silent you are. Till loud and stupid. Poor Poor Girl...
A little poetry
1-Leftovers spoiled/rotted

While the band gets swallowed
And the walls crumble with etches
The gallows sung and it felt cold
Bugs crawl on our humble wretches
The bright days fill the nights of gloom
Why won’t the chants sink along, when you sleep
The tape runs out
with nought on record
On the bed of all flowers
Oh the poor violet lies crushed
Of Yore he all remembers
Of life led by love he brushed
Why won’t the chimes sing along, when you drown
As the awaited hour sadly comes to me
Oh finally, please don’t take me
Why did it have to be me
Why couldn’t I just not be
No weaves to unravel
No where is to marvel
Just echoes in the lake
Just canoes and their wake
Why couldn’t I just not be
Well you wouldn’t rather
Life is silence like snow on water